This homework serves as a quick introduction to C and Linux in our environment. It is due on Monday, october 3, 2016 at 2pm.
Code submission instructions
You must build your tarball (see next section) respecting all the instructions and put the file (named: login-20160926-homework.tar.bz2 with login replaced by your login) at the root of your AFS shared directory.
shell> cp login-20160926-homework.tar.bz2 ~/afs/
Archive format
You must build a compressed archive using tar(1) in the format tar.bz2. This archive must contain a directory, named after your login respecting the following structure:
- login
- Makefile (provided file)
- main.c (provided file)
- math_func.h (provided file)
- math_func.c (your work)
The AUTHORS file will contains your login preceded by a star (*) like this:
* login
It's important that this file contains one single newline character, you can check it using the -e option of cat, this way:
shell> cat AUTHORS * login shell> cat -e AUTHORS * login$ shell>
In order to build the archive, you must be outside of the directory and invoke the command this may (see the man page of tar(1) for more details):
shell> ls login shell> tar cjf login-20160926-homework.tar.bz2 login
You can check the content of your archive by:
- moving to another location and unarchiving it
- list the content of the archive
Here is some manipulation examples:
shell> ls login/ AUTHORS Makefile main.c math_func.c math_func.h shell> tar cjvf login-20160926-homework.tar.bz2 login/ login/ login/math_func.c login/AUTHORS login/math_func.h login/main.c login/Makefile shell> file -z login-20160926-homework.tar.bz2 login-20160926-homework.tar.bz2: POSIX tar archive (GNU) (bzip2 compressed data, block size = 900k) shell> tar tf login-20160926-homework.tar.bz2 login/ login/math_func.c login/AUTHORS login/math_func.h login/main.c login/Makefile shell> cp login-20160926-homework.tar.bz2 /tmp/ shell> cd /tmp/ shell> tar xf login-20160926-homework.tar.bz2 shell> cd login shell> ls AUTHORS Makefile main.c math_func.c math_func.h shell>
Provided Files
These files provide element for testing your code.
# EPITA Practical Programming S3 - 2016/2017 # Makefile # Marwan Burelle # Compilers and options CC=gcc CPPFLAGS= -MMD CFLAGS= -Wall -Wextra -std=c99 -pedantic -O2 LDFLAGS= LDLIBS= SRC = math_func.c main.c OBJ = ${SRC:.c=.o} DEP = ${SRC:.c=.d} all: main main: ${OBJ} -include ${DEP} clean: rm -f ${OBJ} ${DEP} rm -f main # END
All files in this directory must have the proper encoding (ASCII for Unix with single newline character).
# include <err.h> # include <stdlib.h> # include <stdio.h> # include "math_func.h" typedef unsigned long (*functype)(unsigned long); const functype ops[] = { fact, fibo, int_sqrt, digit_number, binary_digit_number, power_of_2, divisor_sum }; const char *op_names[] = { "fact", "fibo", "int_sqrt", "digit_number", "binary_digit_number", "power_of_2", "divisor_sum" }; const char usage[] = " <op> <min> <max>\n" "\tOperators:\n" "\t\t0: factorial\n" "\t\t1: fibonacci\n" "\t\t2: integer square root\n" "\t\t3: number of digits\n" "\t\t4: number of binary digits\n" "\t\t5: power of 2\n" "\t\t6: sum of divisors\n"; static void test(size_t op, unsigned long minval, unsigned long maxval) { for (size_t i = minval; i <= maxval; ++i) { printf("%s(%lu) = %lu\n", op_names[op], i, ops[op](i)); } } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { if (argc < 4) errx(1, "%s", usage); unsigned long op, minval, maxval; op = strtoul(argv[1], NULL, 10); minval = strtoul(argv[2], NULL, 10); maxval = strtoul(argv[3], NULL, 10); test(op, minval, maxval); return 0; }
/* math_func.c: some maths fuctions */ # ifndef EPITA_IP_S3_20160926_HOMEWORK_MATH_FUNC_H_ # define EPITA_IP_S3_20160926_HOMEWORK_MATH_FUNC_H_ /* fact(n) computes factorial of n */ unsigned long fact(unsigned long n); /* fibo(n) computes fibonacci number of rank n * * fibo(0) is defined as 0 * * fibo(1) is defined as 1 * * fibo(n) is defined as fibo(n-1) + fibo(n-2) */ unsigned long fibo(unsigned long n); /* int_sqrt(n) returns the integer part of the * * square root of n using the heron method */ unsigned long int_sqrt(unsigned long n); /* digit_number(n) compute the number of digits * * of n in base-10 */ unsigned long digit_number(unsigned long n); /* binary_digit_number(n) compute the required * * number of bits of n in base 2 */ unsigned long binary_digit_number(unsigned long n); /* power_of_2(n) returns 2 to power the power n */ unsigned long power_of_2(unsigned long n); /* divisor_sum(n) returns the sum of all the * * divisors of n including 1 but not n */ unsigned long divisor_sum(unsigned long n); # endif
Task: math_func.c
Your job is to implement the function listed in math_func.h.
Here is a template for the file math_func.c (containing only functions' prototypes.)
/* Home Work */ # include <stdlib.h> # include "math_func.h" unsigned long fact(unsigned long n) { // FIX ME } unsigned long fibo(unsigned long n) { // FIX ME } unsigned long int_sqrt(unsigned long n) { // FIX ME } unsigned long digit_number(unsigned long n) { // FIX ME } unsigned long binary_digit_number(unsigned long n) { // FIX ME } unsigned long power_of_2(unsigned long n) { // FIX ME } unsigned long divisor_sum(unsigned long n) { // FIX ME }
The header file math_func.h contains comments giving quick descriptions for each functions, more details follows.
The classical factorial function for unsigned long integers (64bits wide in our env).
Running using provided tests:
shell> ./main 0 0 19 fact(0) = 1 fact(1) = 1 fact(2) = 2 fact(3) = 6 fact(4) = 24 fact(5) = 120 fact(6) = 720 fact(7) = 5040 fact(8) = 40320 fact(9) = 362880 fact(10) = 3628800 fact(11) = 39916800 fact(12) = 479001600 fact(13) = 6227020800 fact(14) = 87178291200 fact(15) = 1307674368000 fact(16) = 20922789888000 fact(17) = 355687428096000 fact(18) = 6402373705728000 fact(19) = 121645100408832000
The fibonacci sequence using unsigned long. Here is the recursive definition:
fibo(0) = 0 fibo(1) = 1 fibo(n) = fibo(n - 1) + fibo(n - 2)
Note: we're using unsigned long integer, thus we should be able to compute fibo(93) which is not possible using the naive recursive version.
Running using provided tests:
shell> ./main 1 73 93 fibo(73) = 806515533049393 fibo(74) = 1304969544928657 fibo(75) = 2111485077978050 fibo(76) = 3416454622906707 fibo(77) = 5527939700884757 fibo(78) = 8944394323791464 fibo(79) = 14472334024676221 fibo(80) = 23416728348467685 fibo(81) = 37889062373143906 fibo(82) = 61305790721611591 fibo(83) = 99194853094755497 fibo(84) = 160500643816367088 fibo(85) = 259695496911122585 fibo(86) = 420196140727489673 fibo(87) = 679891637638612258 fibo(88) = 1100087778366101931 fibo(89) = 1779979416004714189 fibo(90) = 2880067194370816120 fibo(91) = 4660046610375530309 fibo(92) = 7540113804746346429 fibo(93) = 12200160415121876738
Integer part of the square root of n.
The integer square root verifies the following equations:
r = int_sqrt(n) r * r <= n && n < (r + 1) * (r + 1)
The best algorithm for that is Heron's method (a variant of Newton's method):
let x be a first approximation of the square root such that r <= x <= n (where r is the root) (n is a good starting value) While x is greater than the root, replace x with the average of x and n/x: x = (x + n/x) / 2
Note that the root is located between x and x/n, thus we found the root when x <= n/x for the first time.
Don't forget to handle the special case for n = 0.
Running using provided tests:
shell> ./main 2 40 60 int_sqrt(40) = 6 int_sqrt(41) = 6 int_sqrt(42) = 6 int_sqrt(43) = 6 int_sqrt(44) = 6 int_sqrt(45) = 6 int_sqrt(46) = 6 int_sqrt(47) = 6 int_sqrt(48) = 6 int_sqrt(49) = 7 int_sqrt(50) = 7 int_sqrt(51) = 7 int_sqrt(52) = 7 int_sqrt(53) = 7 int_sqrt(54) = 7 int_sqrt(55) = 7 int_sqrt(56) = 7 int_sqrt(57) = 7 int_sqrt(58) = 7 int_sqrt(59) = 7 int_sqrt(60) = 7
The number decimal (base 10) digits in n.
Running using provided tests:
shell> ./main 3 90 110 digit_number(90) = 2 digit_number(91) = 2 digit_number(92) = 2 digit_number(93) = 2 digit_number(94) = 2 digit_number(95) = 2 digit_number(96) = 2 digit_number(97) = 2 digit_number(98) = 2 digit_number(99) = 2 digit_number(100) = 3 digit_number(101) = 3 digit_number(102) = 3 digit_number(103) = 3 digit_number(104) = 3 digit_number(105) = 3 digit_number(106) = 3 digit_number(107) = 3 digit_number(108) = 3 digit_number(109) = 3 digit_number(110) = 3
Computes the number of binary digit (base 2) of n.
Running using provided tests:
shell> ./main 4 7 33 binary_digit_number(7) = 3 binary_digit_number(8) = 4 binary_digit_number(9) = 4 binary_digit_number(10) = 4 binary_digit_number(11) = 4 binary_digit_number(12) = 4 binary_digit_number(13) = 4 binary_digit_number(14) = 4 binary_digit_number(15) = 4 binary_digit_number(16) = 5 binary_digit_number(17) = 5 binary_digit_number(18) = 5 binary_digit_number(19) = 5 binary_digit_number(20) = 5 binary_digit_number(21) = 5 binary_digit_number(22) = 5 binary_digit_number(23) = 5 binary_digit_number(24) = 5 binary_digit_number(25) = 5 binary_digit_number(26) = 5 binary_digit_number(27) = 5 binary_digit_number(28) = 5 binary_digit_number(29) = 5 binary_digit_number(30) = 5 binary_digit_number(31) = 5 binary_digit_number(32) = 6 binary_digit_number(33) = 6
Computes as fast as you can (don't need to be iterative or recursive … )
Running using provided tests:
shell> ./main 5 0 32 power_of_2(0) = 1 power_of_2(1) = 2 power_of_2(2) = 4 power_of_2(3) = 8 power_of_2(4) = 16 power_of_2(5) = 32 power_of_2(6) = 64 power_of_2(7) = 128 power_of_2(8) = 256 power_of_2(9) = 512 power_of_2(10) = 1024 power_of_2(11) = 2048 power_of_2(12) = 4096 power_of_2(13) = 8192 power_of_2(14) = 16384 power_of_2(15) = 32768 power_of_2(16) = 65536 power_of_2(17) = 131072 power_of_2(18) = 262144 power_of_2(19) = 524288 power_of_2(20) = 1048576 power_of_2(21) = 2097152 power_of_2(22) = 4194304 power_of_2(23) = 8388608 power_of_2(24) = 16777216 power_of_2(25) = 33554432 power_of_2(26) = 67108864 power_of_2(27) = 134217728 power_of_2(28) = 268435456 power_of_2(29) = 536870912 power_of_2(30) = 1073741824 power_of_2(31) = 2147483648 power_of_2(32) = 4294967296
Computes the sum of the divisors of n including 1 but not n itself.
Special cases for 0 and 1 should return 1.
You can check your results with some hints: prime numbers will have a sum of 1, perfect numbers (6, 28, 496, 8128 … ) will have a sum equals to themselves.
Running using provided tests:
shell> ./main 6 0 30 divisor_sum(0) = 1 divisor_sum(1) = 1 divisor_sum(2) = 1 divisor_sum(3) = 1 divisor_sum(4) = 3 divisor_sum(5) = 1 divisor_sum(6) = 6 divisor_sum(7) = 1 divisor_sum(8) = 7 divisor_sum(9) = 4 divisor_sum(10) = 8 divisor_sum(11) = 1 divisor_sum(12) = 16 divisor_sum(13) = 1 divisor_sum(14) = 10 divisor_sum(15) = 9 divisor_sum(16) = 15 divisor_sum(17) = 1 divisor_sum(18) = 21 divisor_sum(19) = 1 divisor_sum(20) = 22 divisor_sum(21) = 11 divisor_sum(22) = 14 divisor_sum(23) = 1 divisor_sum(24) = 36 divisor_sum(25) = 6 divisor_sum(26) = 16 divisor_sum(27) = 13 divisor_sum(28) = 28 divisor_sum(29) = 1 divisor_sum(30) = 42
Testing with provided code
The provided files will help you testing your code.
The first step is to be sure (at least) that the file math_func.c compiles (you can just add a default return statement or something similar).
The files main.c describes a small program for testing your functions with some basic parameters: the function index (from 0 to 6) a min and a max value. The program will run your function with all integers from the min to the max value (included).
Here is a tiny test session (with a complete working math_func.c file):
shell> ls AUTHORS Makefile main.c math_func.c math_func.h shell> make gcc -Wall -Wextra -std=c99 -pedantic -O2 -MMD -c -o main.o main.c gcc -Wall -Wextra -std=c99 -pedantic -O2 -MMD -c -o math_func.o math_func.c gcc main.o math_func.o -o main shell> ./main main: <op> <min> <max> Operators: 0: factorial 1: fibonacci 2: integer square root 3: number of digits 4: number of binary digits 5: power of 2 6: sum of divisors shell> ./main 0 0 5 fact(0) = 1 fact(1) = 1 fact(2) = 2 fact(3) = 6 fact(4) = 24 fact(5) = 120 shell> ./main 6 495 497 divisor_sum(495) = 441 divisor_sum(496) = 496 divisor_sum(497) = 79 shell> make clean rm -f math_func.o main.o math_func.d main.d rm -f main shell>